16 actually useful gift ideas for photographers

The reason why I’ve decided to write this post about gift ideas for photographers is simple – I got angry. Not like grizzly bear angry but you know – a bit poked. As Christmas is getting closer, suddenly tons of Pinterest pins titled like “Amazing gift ideas for photographers” are being smashed right into my face. And most of them are actually quite ridiculous.


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How to take sharper photos on your next trip

Why do my images look so blurry?
How do I take sharper photos?

Ever asked yourself these questions? I have. And I still do! Getting my own images sharp is and always will be a challenge. It is a neverending, almost Sisyphus-like struggle between a man and his tool. Sharpness in your photography is one of the factors that will decide whether it’s going to be a hero or zero. Dramatic enough? Now, let’s get cracking and see what you can do to increase the sharpness of your images!


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Read more about the article Conversation Alley: About selfies and self-portraits
Selfies and Self-portraits - Credits: Pixabay.com (Stocksnap)

Conversation Alley: About selfies and self-portraits

Selfies!!!! This time something completely different. Within this Conversation Alley with Brooke and Dali, we will discuss both the psychology behind them in general, and then the truth behind the lens, if you will, with regards to those who take selfies in particular locales in which they misrepresent either the locale, themselves, or both. (more…)

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