11 Inspirational Landscape Photographers
11 amazing landscape photographers who I consider the top guns in the field. Looking for some inspirational photographers to follow? Check out the list!
11 amazing landscape photographers who I consider the top guns in the field. Looking for some inspirational photographers to follow? Check out the list!
Before going through my favorite photographs of 2018 - happy new year everyone! Start of a new year is always a good time to review and reflect a bit what…
Why do my images look so blurry?
How do I take sharper photos?
Ever asked yourself these questions? I have. And I still do! Getting my own images sharp is and always will be a challenge. It is a neverending, almost Sisyphus-like struggle between a man and his tool. Sharpness in your photography is one of the factors that will decide whether it’s going to be a hero or zero. Dramatic enough? Now, let’s get cracking and see what you can do to increase the sharpness of your images!