Pinterest is here to stay and it would be a missed opportunity to ignore it as a photographer. I collected several tips during my intensive research and use of the…
Pinterest is here to stay and it would be a missed opportunity to ignore it as a photographer. I collected several tips during my intensive research and use of the…
Instagram, the social network of the day? Whoa, crazy, right? The ultimate goal of many photographers? Yeah, I kind of gave up. Not entirely. I will still keep my Instagram profile and I will post an image from my travels every now and then. But the enthusiasm wore off. It’s just not fun. In fact, it has become rather annoying. (more…)
Selfies!!!! This time something completely different. Within this Conversation Alley with Brooke and Dali, we will discuss both the psychology behind them in general, and then the truth behind the lens, if you will, with regards to those who take selfies in particular locales in which they misrepresent either the locale, themselves, or both. (more…)